SCP: Containment is Magic Wiki

Item: SCP-057-1

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:[]

None is required...


SCP-057 is a large spacecraft shaped like a cannon with P2's cutiemark on the side.

A lot of royal bits was used to build this cannon.

Because of this, it is surrounded by three fusion rings, and contains a fission core, fourteen on-board AIs, a full faculty, and the most precise aiming system ever made— controllers can pick the exact spot where the SCP that bounces off of colored objects is shot.

Painted on the side is the motto, in large capital letters, "When in doubt, TO THE MOON WITH YE!"

Here is a partial list of objects launched to the moon by the station:[]

  • SCP-003 who ate P2's lunch during incident 5W4RM-0F-7H3-C3N7URY